
Cannabutter = Cannabliss

May 8, 2020
By Joyology

Cannabutter = Cannabliss

As Joyology is the science of happiness, we wanted to help you spread much more happiness than normal with a fun, worthwhile science project. And since we are staying home and staying healthy these days, it all takes place in your own kitchen.

As Joyology is the science of happiness, we wanted to help you spread much more happiness than normal with a fun, worthwhile science project. And since we are staying home and staying healthy these days, it all takes place in your own kitchen.

No, these aren’t your grandfather’s bone-dry pot brownies. Armed with rich, potent cannabutter, you’ll be cooking and baking cannabis-infused delicacies that will have to be tasted and felt to be believed.

Before you can start cooking with cannabis, you have to activate the THC. When smoking flower, this is done instantly via your lighter’s flame, but to activate THC for edibles, cannabis must go through a process called decarboxylation. It’s a chemical reaction that turns non-psychoactive THCA into psychoactive THC.

Turning a plant into a party.

Now that you know what decarboxylation is, it’s time to learn the process for yourself. Because it won’t be combusted, it needs to be heated slowly to infuse our medium of choice—butter. Heating it slowly will also help ensure as much THC as possible remains in the butter. Or maximum happiness in every bite.

Following the steps, makes the process easy.

Step 1: Start by preheating your oven to precisely 230℉ or 110℃. It’s important that you don’t hurry the process along by treating your high-grade cannabis like a box of frozen fish sticks at 425℉. Exercise patience.

Step 2: Line a baking tray or cookie sheet with parchment paper. One with an edge around the outside can prevent your cannabis from sliding into the abyss of the heating element.

Step 3: Take a quarter ounce (7 grams) of high-quality cannabis flower and grind it, preferably with a purpose-built grinder. You can also chop it if necessary. Note that if you are not using high grade cannabis it can take up to an ounce of lower grade product (shake or trim) to reach a desired effect. Just stick with the good stuff.

Step 4: Spread a thin, even layer of the ground cannabis on the parchment paper, and toast in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes. Keep a close eye on what’s happening. Learn to love your oven light. Stir occasionally to make sure it bakes evenly and doesn’t burn.

Step 5: When your cannabis reaches a nice, medium brown color, it’s time to remove it from the oven. If you press it with your finger it should crumble, but not disintegrate.

Step 6: The toasted cannabis needs to cool for half an hour. While waiting, boil four cups of cold water in a pot or saucepan. Add four sticks of butter to the water, and once they’ve melted completely, bring the temperature down to a simmer.

Step 7: With the mixture slightly simmering, stir in the decarboxylated cannabis. Allow this new mixture to simmer for at least three or up to four hours. You’ll know it’s done by looking for a glossy or oily texture. Take the pan from the stove and allow to cool for another half hour.

Step 8: After cooling, strain your cannabutter through cheesecloth and into a container. Squeeze the cloth to get every drop of magic.

Step 9: Cover the cannabutter and place in the refrigerator for two hours. Soon, your cannabutter will be ready for baking and cooking. It will keep in the fridge for a few weeks or freeze it for up to six months.

Cooking with cannabis.

So now that the cannabutter is ready, so are you. From sweets like cookies or yes, brownies, to savory recipes like lobster mac n’ cheese, Thai chicken or smash burgers, cannabutter opens a door to culinary experiences like you’ve never experienced. Use cannabutter just like you would regular butter in your recipes.

Open your cannabutter, then open up a whole new world of gourmet delights.

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