
Oct 27, 2020 Joyology

Meditation 101: Tips for Beginners

Meditation is often associated solely with Buddhism and yoga, but its benefits are far reaching and more universal than you might think. Meditation is a way to help ground yourself and find solace in even the smallest of moments. As we quoted Buddha in an earlier blog, “There is no way to Happiness. Happiness is … Continued

News & Reviews

May 8, 2020 Joyology

The Gift of Being Present

How many things do you have going on in your head right now? Work. Kids. Mortgage. Soccer practice. Hockey practice. Date night. Pizza night. Taco Tuesday. It goes on and on. It loads up your brain. Stresses you out. Sends oceans of cortisol rushing through your veins. And robs you of the health and wellness … Continued

News & Reviews

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