
Aug 26, 2020 Joyology


Women’s Equality Day commemorates the constitutional amendment that gave women the Right to Vote. The Right to Vote equals Choice. Choice equals Freedom. Freedom equals True Happiness. For an industry that was once illegal we’re feeling extra joyful today. We sat down with two local Super Women, and five up-and-coming Joyologists that are paving new paths for the industry. Let’s all be the change we … Continued

News & Reviews

May 8, 2020 Joyology

Joyology - The Science of Happiness

Science and Happiness. They seem like an odd couple. Opposing thoughts not even in the same time zone. Happiness is the fun-loving, hug-everyone, life-of-the-party, have-a-beer-with kind of word. Science is a get-down-to-business, be-serious-now, let’s face it – buzz kill. But actually, there has been a lot of science around the Pursuit of Happiness. Especially when … Continued

News & Reviews

May 8, 2020 Joyology

The Gift of Being Present

How many things do you have going on in your head right now? Work. Kids. Mortgage. Soccer practice. Hockey practice. Date night. Pizza night. Taco Tuesday. It goes on and on. It loads up your brain. Stresses you out. Sends oceans of cortisol rushing through your veins. And robs you of the health and wellness … Continued

News & Reviews

May 8, 2020 Joyology

Where Does Happiness Live in Our Brains

When this animation was originally released, many thought it represented Happiness. The mysterious “they” of internet explained that this was a myosin motor molecule transporting endorphins active filament into the inner part of the parietal cortex of the brain.  The Science of Happiness! It’s true that this precious cargo of Endorphins can minimize pain, by … Continued

News & Reviews

May 8, 2020 Joyology

You Are Allowed More than One Happy Place

It’s also okay to be happy for more than just an hour. Even if there are no half price jalapeño poppers involved. And while we’re on the subject, you can have a happy middle too. It’s not just for endings. The point is, society conditions us to make happiness a special treat. It’s something to … Continued

News & Reviews

Allegan, MI

Burton, MI

Reading, MI

Lake Orion, MI

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